
Posts Tagged ‘great thrillers’

Books We Enjoyed That Became Movies or TV Shows

11 September 2023 1 comment

I am a fan of Outer Banks because it’s an easy show to watch, has fun themes and reminds me of the adventures I had when I was young and got into mischief. I may not have been searching for treasure like the gang in Outer Banks or falling for rich pretty teens, but don’t worry, nor were the characters in Outer Banks due to them all being portrayed by adults with the average age range of early to mid-twenties. Airing for the first time in April 2020 it’s a competent show with interesting relationships and strong friendships.

They all seemed to have fun playing these larger-than-life lives. Many of us had always hoped our lives would be eternally exciting and fun, but most of us instead have jobs and responsibilities and work toward saving enough superannuation so we aren’t put into state care. Needless to say, there were many middle-age adults who loved watching the show as well as the younger generations. It’s certainly a show for everyone.

So what made the show so appealing? Some say it was the amount of freedom and improvisation the actors had. Many times during filming they broke away from what they were supposed to say and instead did what they wanted to do. Maybe this is what took the show in a more unique direction. It’s probably why the scenes seem so natural and free. Although I’m sure the many cameras, lights and michrophone booms made it feel less natural, but that aside, I bet it helped with the overall end result.

Did you know Braveheart was a book? I loved the movie so I read the novella and found it to contain all the same adventures and turmoil, but also with a trip to another land that maybe you did not know about and might find interesting. Have a read and see.

Lee Child wrote the Killing Floor back in 1997 and it won the Anthony Award and the Barry Award for best first novel. No wonder it was made into a movie and then TV series. It’s a good read (I’m only a third of the way through). I have to say, I like the most recent TV series the most, though.

The one book I hope is eventually made into a series, which has all the right action, suspense and adventure that is in most great stories, just like Outer Banks, is: Don’t Kill Benjamin. The characters are in their twenties and waiting tables along the strip in Calais. They are a group of friends who have become involved in the rescue of a young orphan child who was taken from a hospital following a murder. It’s only when they are getting close to finding the kidnapper do they realise their adventure goes beyond a single man’s heinous act.

Comment below on what books you enjoyed reading that were also TV shows or movies.